Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Assignment 19: Sofi Tzouanakis

A lot of advice is given to youth, and whether it be for the benefit of the teller or the recipient of said information is not always clear. Nonetheless, advice is always something to look for, whether it's good or bad. Something (sometimes even more) can be gained from terrible advice. But today I'll share some advice which was, in my opinion, great. A lot of the time, advice isn't just what it says; much of the time, it's who says it. Somebody who I know who has been through a lot said a line to me very similar to the Plato quote, "Be kind, for everyone is fighting a hard battle." It wasn't a word-by-word reading of the quote, but I'm using it for reference because I can't remember exactly what he said, and the Plato quote is nicely articulated. I had heard things of this nature, but I never took it to heart until this person told it to me. For someone who had been through so much crap in their life, I could not believe they could see past all of the foggy resentment they could hold and say something so enlightening. My life isn't even close to as hard as theirs, so the least I could do was to keep these words in my heart and practice them.

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