Thursday, June 5, 2014

Assignment 20- Cassadi Cordea

How To: Survive your Junior Year
Well this year I've had my slip ups, but I've definitely learned from them. This is what I've picked up throughout the year...
Do your homework. Just do it. Don't let zeros in the homework category be what is keeping your grade down.
Don't be afraid to seek help. There is no shame in doing that. Your teachers want to help you, so you should take advantage of study sessions and other resources offered.
When you take the ACT for the first time during the year, don't let that be the first time looking at the format. Find websites or get review books to help you study, and don't try to study all in one night.
Start long term projects ASAP!! Procrastination is probably the worst feeling in the world when you know you could have and SHOULD HAVE avoided it. And that basically applies to everything you'll encounter this year. Stay on top of things for the sake of your sanity.
Acknowledge that you are soon going to be making huge decisions about colleges and what you want to do in your life after high school. It's not really the most pleasant thing to think about (at least it wasn't for me), but you're going to have to do it. Don't push it to the back of your mind up until those decisions are right in front of your face and you have no idea what to do. That's even scarier.
Lastly, don't take yourself too seriously. Have fun and enjoy the year. It's stressful, but it builds character.

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