Sunday, June 1, 2014

Assignment 25: Ethan Petraitis

Well since that advice one had me thinking about my amazing grandparents, I’ll start with that and see where I wind up:

Nearly every summer since I moved from New York, I would return to my homeland and stay with my grandparents in their small, older-than-dirt house whose wooden siding was just a little bit more decayed every summer. My grandfather used to work on racecars in their gigantically disproportionate garage, but now he devotes most of that space to fishing gear and the old, dusty trophies won before my mom was even thought of. I have a lot of fond memories of living in New York and going through the basement and the attic just searching for cool trophies and awards as a kid. My grandpa’s a great guy and he’s helped me get some awards and trophies of my own when I lived there. Here’s an example:

I use this mug almost every day, just as my grandfather uses his mugs. Every other night it seems, he would go to the kitchen at around ten at night, go to the freezer, and get himself a mug full of Rocky Road ice cream. I always thought this was fascinating, why use a mug for this instead of a bowl? Bowls are more conventional, why would he do something like that? Well, it’s a bowl with a handle, they fit easier in the dish washer, and he has so many of these ‘mug trophies’ laying around anyway, there was just no reason to use a bowl. I later found out that he used the same mug at night as he did for his morning coffee. Not only did it fit better in the dishwasher, there were fewer dishes to put in there to begin with! It’s the simple things like that that make me really appreciate him and I have a profound respect for my grandpa and everything that he’s accomplished in his life so far. This is pretty interesting. I just found this video a few weeks ago. The first minute of this video is a brief summary of my Great Grandfathers legacy, and my Grandfather’s life pertaining to racing.

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