Sunday, January 26, 2014

Assignment 18: Parker Carroll

High school:
- cheer scholarship
- successfully complete my mentoring project
- pass an AP test

- make the Blue cheer squad
- join a fraternity
- get a job offer

- sky dive
- bungee jump
- buy a house

The number one thing on my high school bucket list is a cheer scholarship. Before I graduate high school I would like to be offered a cheer scholarship (preferably to the University Kentucky). It makes no difference to me whether its a partial or full scholarship, just a scholarship.

The number one thing on my college bucket list is to make the Blue cheer squad at UK. The Blue cheer squad at UK is basically the varsity squad. Also every cheerleader that makes the blue squad is offered a full scholarship. Which would be nice. The Blue cheer squad at UK in my eyes is the best of the best.

The number one thing on my life bucket list is sky diving. It might seem childish to some but to me it seems like an incredibly dangerous and stupid thing to do. So my logic is who wouldn't want to be able to say they've done something as dangerous and stupid as sky diving. That's my reasoning behind it and im sticking to it. Plus while it is dangerous and stupid it also seems fun, I like fun.

Ryan Collins assignment 18

Aside from the obvious and important goals such as "get into a good college", and "maintain a solid gpa", my number one for my High School bucket list at Henry Clay would be to partake in an actual food fight. I know that sounds extremely childish and ridiculous since i could have written something like "save someone's life using the Heimlich maneuver", but ever since i was young i have always wanted to hear someone scream "FOOD FIGHT" and be engulfed in edible warfare.

In College, i would really like to find out what i want to do in life, and make many life long memories, but my #1 for my bucket list would be to call someone a "freshman" my senior year. Not really sure why I have always wanted to, just something about it seems empowering. 

Lastly, other than having a life that I can look back on and be content, I would like to learn morse code. I know you are probably thinking morse code??? why would anyone ever want to learn that? Again i have no earthly idea why but i feel like it would be a neat thing to know, and i would be able to secretly communicate with others who know it. 

Buckets and Buckets... Maranda Gaines

1.       Before leaving high school, I want to live and experience things I haven’t before. Take this however you want really. I feel that so many of us in the academy are very uptight in general. I understand that a lot of academy kids’ number one priority is to perfect their resumes, get into a good college, and to just already have their lives figured out. For me, I think this is the time when we’re allowed to make mistakes, to experiment, to be adventurous. I love the feeling of being in control of things and having it all figured out but what I really want is to let go of that need for perfection and to let what happens happen.

2.       The number one thing I want to do before leaving college is to be inspired. I want to find something I absolutely love and have a passion for whether it’s something as small as finding something I like to collect or maybe finding something I want to dedicate the rest of my life to.

3.       The number one thing I want to do in my life is a really really hard one. It would probably be just a simple “I want to be happy” as cheesy as it sounds. I want to know that I’ve made other people happy which in turn makes me happy. Loving myself and others around me is the most important thing to me. If I accomplish this, then my bucket list will be complete!  

Assignment 19: Plastics

Most of the advice we receive in our lives is unsolicited and quite frankly inane.  However, every once in a while we get a real gem and changes our trajectory.  What is the one piece of advice given to you that has stuck?  Explain its effect.

(Prompt inspired by Mary Austin)

Minimum of 150 words - due Sunday, February 9th at 11:59 pm

Monday, January 20, 2014

Assignment 18: Buckets and Buckets--Angela Maske

While there are numerous goals I have for my personal and professional life in the future, I think for this blog post I'd like to stay away from the mundane "get into a good college" "have a good job" "marry a good person" area. I'll instead list more interesting goals that I will have more fun writing, and you will hopefully have more fun reading. 

1. My interesting number one item before I leave high school is to become an adult. I know this sounds both ridiculous and weird, but I'd like to become more used to the feeling on independence before I leave high school. This may mean flying somewhere on my own, thriving in a foreign city without my parents, or doing my own grocery shopping.

2. My number one before I leave college is to become a blogger for the Huffington Post. Now, I'm definitely no journalist, but I do love keeping up with pop culture, politics, and other news, and I would love to write about my thoughts on certain issues in a casual, lower pressure manner...while still writing for an outlet that won a Pulitzer. Though I don't necessarily plan on majoring in English or Journalism in college, I love writing and I hope this will be one way I can continue to pursue that love after high school. 

3. My number one for my life--and this may actually be my true number one--is to save a life. Hopefully more than one. I want to join student EMT in college so there's the possibility that I could fulfill this goal before I leave college. But if all else fails--I am planning on being an organ donor. 

Thursday, January 16, 2014

On Buckets and Romance (Haven)

   Hello Blog, it's been a while~! Nice to type in Verdana too. Alright, enough dawdling, lets get existential!

   Not to sound like an over-romanticized teenage from an underdeveloped novel, the number one item on my bucket list for life is to sort out this love idea. I understand I'm young, and well aware that I probably have no idea what I'm talking about.  Yet I've watched people and heard stories of how relationships both helped and destroyed people, and yet still I believe the benefits far outweigh the risks. I won't go into to much detail, since nobody willingly wants to read about these things,  but I believe I've experienced at least some of these feelings . . . but lets cut that there.
   So sure, in theory love is a great thing. But it can be used for a weapon, and is thus a risk. Risks are personally something I try to avoid, so why would I make it the most important thing to do before I die? The answer seems fairly simple to me; it's a life long goal that helps me continue growing and improving, as well as (potentially) making myself happier for it, or at least comfortable that one day I'm going to die. I've been speaking about love like it's an obtainable object, so let me define my idea of it. You have to work for a successful relationship, and once you have one you can't (or shouldn't, in my opinion) allow it to decay due to neglect. Often people love others who are at least acceptable in terms of personality, so that's another thing to maintain. We could talk about appearance but that could get a bit controversial, so just make sure you're happy with yourself. (Oops, I said you. That's not a demand, do what you want).
   Gah, it's still sounding like a teenage diary and the conclusion I had in mind isn't going to help things. My bad. Still going with it though.
   I keep speaking in the first person pretty often, and I apologize for breaking a writing taboo - from what I've been taught, anyway - but I don't really have a choice. The subject of love is an extremely personal and unique thing that changes from person to person. I'll admit I'm fairly optimistic about the idea, but someone else may say that I have no idea what I'm talking about and all these mushy-lovey-dovey thoughts are going to blow up in my face once reality hits. Or something like that.
   I'm willing to take that risk though. 

   Less than Three!

Monday, January 13, 2014

The Bucket List Blog (Stevens)

Believe it or not, I had already made a bucket list before this assignment. Mostly it reflects my hopes and dreams on July 14, 2012, when I drew it up. I will categorize it now by age, but otherwise leave it untouched. Note: this is not exactly a list of my life goals, but rather a list of cool things that I have not done, but hope to.

High School:
1.    Go to Cedar Point
2.   Break 70
3.   Watch the sun set on the Pacific Ocean
4.   Be an amateur photographer
5.   Write a novel

1.    Finish the Boston Marathon
2.   Backpack [part of] Europe or the Appalachian Trail
3.   Visit Yellowstone National Park
4.   Go skydiving

1.    Play at Augusta National Golf Club
2.   Run for public office
3.   Get a pilot’s license
4.   Learn to ride the unicycle
5.    Build a pond in my backyard

Number one on my high school list is a trip to Cedar Point. It’s the Mecca of roller coasters, if you didn’t know. I seem to be an adrenaline junkie, and Cedar Point is the ultimate in thrill seeking. I would have put “Break 70” as number one – because golf is everything – but I actually achieved this one over the summer.

For college, the BAA Marathon has to be number one. Endurance running is the ultimate – am I using that word too much? – test in terms of mental and physical strength, and the Boston Marathon is the oldest and grandest long distance race. To get there will require intense dedication because you cant qualify for Boston without first running a different marathon at a blistering pace.

Number one on my bucket list for life has to be to have the privilege of playing at Augusta National Golf Club. As I said before, golf is everything, and Augusta is the ultimate – there it is again – among all golf courses ever designed. The combination of rich history and impeccable course conditions make it a golfer’s paradise. I just hope I can play it before I reach paradise.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Assignment 18: Buckets and Buckets

Welcome to your first blog prompt for 2013! Yay!

A bucket list is a list of everything you want to accomplish before you kick the bucket. That doesn't mean you can't have such a list for specific aspects of your life as well.

To begin the year, generate your own bucket lists - one for high school, one for college, and one for life. Then, write about the priority on each list.
  1. What is the number one item on your bucket list before you finish high school?
  2. What is the number one item on your bucket list before you finish college?
  3. What is the number one item on your bucket list before you finish living?
(This blog is inspired by Axel Liimatta - former academy teacher - my friend and former colleague that inspires me to live every day more fully)

Minimum of 150 words - due Sunday, January 26 at 11:59 pm

Wes Grigsby Assignment 18

High School List:
1. sleep more than eight hours for one day
2. get all work done before sunday one weekend
College List:
1. get work done before eight o'clock one day
Finish Living List:
1. go skydiving
2. eat a barnacle
3. go to at least twenty foreign places
4. visit every state in the United States of America an octopus
6. drink yak milk
7. climb a mountain
8. make a green fire

1. The number one item on my high school list is to sleep more than 8 hours for one day. The reason for my decision is that which I do not know.
2. The number one item on my college list is to get my work done before eight o'clock one day for the reason that my it is the only thing on my college list.
3. The number one time on my finish living list is to go skydiving for a reason that I don't know.