Thursday, January 16, 2014

On Buckets and Romance (Haven)

   Hello Blog, it's been a while~! Nice to type in Verdana too. Alright, enough dawdling, lets get existential!

   Not to sound like an over-romanticized teenage from an underdeveloped novel, the number one item on my bucket list for life is to sort out this love idea. I understand I'm young, and well aware that I probably have no idea what I'm talking about.  Yet I've watched people and heard stories of how relationships both helped and destroyed people, and yet still I believe the benefits far outweigh the risks. I won't go into to much detail, since nobody willingly wants to read about these things,  but I believe I've experienced at least some of these feelings . . . but lets cut that there.
   So sure, in theory love is a great thing. But it can be used for a weapon, and is thus a risk. Risks are personally something I try to avoid, so why would I make it the most important thing to do before I die? The answer seems fairly simple to me; it's a life long goal that helps me continue growing and improving, as well as (potentially) making myself happier for it, or at least comfortable that one day I'm going to die. I've been speaking about love like it's an obtainable object, so let me define my idea of it. You have to work for a successful relationship, and once you have one you can't (or shouldn't, in my opinion) allow it to decay due to neglect. Often people love others who are at least acceptable in terms of personality, so that's another thing to maintain. We could talk about appearance but that could get a bit controversial, so just make sure you're happy with yourself. (Oops, I said you. That's not a demand, do what you want).
   Gah, it's still sounding like a teenage diary and the conclusion I had in mind isn't going to help things. My bad. Still going with it though.
   I keep speaking in the first person pretty often, and I apologize for breaking a writing taboo - from what I've been taught, anyway - but I don't really have a choice. The subject of love is an extremely personal and unique thing that changes from person to person. I'll admit I'm fairly optimistic about the idea, but someone else may say that I have no idea what I'm talking about and all these mushy-lovey-dovey thoughts are going to blow up in my face once reality hits. Or something like that.
   I'm willing to take that risk though. 

   Less than Three!

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