Monday, January 20, 2014

Assignment 18: Buckets and Buckets--Angela Maske

While there are numerous goals I have for my personal and professional life in the future, I think for this blog post I'd like to stay away from the mundane "get into a good college" "have a good job" "marry a good person" area. I'll instead list more interesting goals that I will have more fun writing, and you will hopefully have more fun reading. 

1. My interesting number one item before I leave high school is to become an adult. I know this sounds both ridiculous and weird, but I'd like to become more used to the feeling on independence before I leave high school. This may mean flying somewhere on my own, thriving in a foreign city without my parents, or doing my own grocery shopping.

2. My number one before I leave college is to become a blogger for the Huffington Post. Now, I'm definitely no journalist, but I do love keeping up with pop culture, politics, and other news, and I would love to write about my thoughts on certain issues in a casual, lower pressure manner...while still writing for an outlet that won a Pulitzer. Though I don't necessarily plan on majoring in English or Journalism in college, I love writing and I hope this will be one way I can continue to pursue that love after high school. 

3. My number one for my life--and this may actually be my true number one--is to save a life. Hopefully more than one. I want to join student EMT in college so there's the possibility that I could fulfill this goal before I leave college. But if all else fails--I am planning on being an organ donor. 

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