Sunday, January 26, 2014

Buckets and Buckets... Maranda Gaines

1.       Before leaving high school, I want to live and experience things I haven’t before. Take this however you want really. I feel that so many of us in the academy are very uptight in general. I understand that a lot of academy kids’ number one priority is to perfect their resumes, get into a good college, and to just already have their lives figured out. For me, I think this is the time when we’re allowed to make mistakes, to experiment, to be adventurous. I love the feeling of being in control of things and having it all figured out but what I really want is to let go of that need for perfection and to let what happens happen.

2.       The number one thing I want to do before leaving college is to be inspired. I want to find something I absolutely love and have a passion for whether it’s something as small as finding something I like to collect or maybe finding something I want to dedicate the rest of my life to.

3.       The number one thing I want to do in my life is a really really hard one. It would probably be just a simple “I want to be happy” as cheesy as it sounds. I want to know that I’ve made other people happy which in turn makes me happy. Loving myself and others around me is the most important thing to me. If I accomplish this, then my bucket list will be complete!  

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