Sunday, February 23, 2014

Assignment 20 - Angela Tseng

It took me forever to decide on a topic for this assignment because the only thing I can really say I do well is playing flute, but I honestly have no idea how to explain how to do it. In fact, I suck at explaining pretty much everything. (Which is why I could never be a Teacher.) But I finally decided on something I could teach you how to do, which is how to appear busy even when you're not. This is something I have to do quite often because I'm extremely awkward and often end up in situations that I don't want to be in and need to avoid people talking to me and/or asking what I'm doing. I've found that the best ways to do this are either to walk at a brisk walk so that it looks like you're in a rush to get somewhere. This way people will think you have somewhere to be and won't stop you to talk to you or question you. Another good thing to do if you can't be walking around is to be on your phone. Usually with this pretending like you're talking to someone, or even better actually talking to someone, is more effective than playing a game. But whichever you'd prefer is fine.

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