Sunday, February 23, 2014

How to be happy: Grace Goulson

So I know you're all confused as to why grumpy, quiet Grace chose to write about being happy. And my response is that though I don't really give off an air of warmth and cheeriness, I strive everyday (well, most days) to be the happiest person I can be. And while I don't consider myself a real expert, here are some tips I have for being happy. 

- first, like Olivia already said, do what makes you happy. Don't let the rules and strictures of others define how happy you are. If you don't like a certain sport or activity, then quit. There's no use torturing yourself when you don't even enjoy what you're doing. Conversely, if there's something that you're passionate about or some weird hobby that you're interested in, then go for it. 

- don't hold grudges. They're so silly. If someone does something to offend or hurt you, move on. Or at least accept the fact that they shouldn't be the reason that you've got negative feelings cooped up inside of you. 

- just remember that nothing really matters THAT much. So you get B-- whatever. It's just high school. So you lose a game-- move on. It's not going to define your life. You may think that stuff really matters but usually it doesn't. (Side note-- this doesn't mean that you shouldn't take anything seriously.)

- spend more time outdoors. 'Nuff said. 

- live a little, enjoy the life you've got. Make the most of what you have and just think that it could always be worse. Then take advantage of the opportunities that are presented to you and have fun with it!

- spend more time alone. I don't know about you guys, but people just flat-out annoy me sometimes, and sometimes you just need a break from all that. 

- appreciate everything in life. Now I'm not just talking about material things like your house or food. I mean every little nuance, every bird chirping, every smile, every hug, every positive influence, every snowfall, every vacation, every song, every moment, and every day. Just live it up and love life. 

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