Sunday, February 23, 2014

Buckets and buckets (Kelsey Halbert)

1. - Get accepted to a good college: this is sort of a high priority since coffee is very important.
- Get all A's and B's. I'm okay with some B's but I would like a majority to be A's.
- Paint my bedroom. We're moving to a different house in the spring and I would like to paint my room something other than the olive green it is right now.

2. - Remain friends with the close friends that I have in high school.
- Pursue a major that makes me happy. My parents want me to be a doctor, but I would rather do something that I enjoy better. Plus being a doctor takes so much time with medical school and whatnot.
- Get my own place. Like an apartment or duplex so I can feel more like an adult in college.
- Go to at least one college party. Apparently they're awesome so can you really blame me.

3. - Skydiving. I believe that this is a staple to every bucket list. #basic
- This might be weird, but I want to go to Connecticut and be in the audience of the Maury Show. I seriously love this show.
- Live in California. I've visited there before and I absolutely love it there.
- Be in the audience of Jeopardy. I watch this show every night with my parents.

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