Monday, April 7, 2014

Assignment 21: Sofi Tzouanakis

At this very moment, it's the end of spring break. For most people, that means back to the "cold" place that is Lexington. But it doesn't mean that for me. I was working on college, my future, in the frigid Northeast this last week. While being away from schoolwork was nice, it only loomed in the peripherals of my mind as I looked at some crazy hard to get into schools. In a way, it was good--spring break reenergized me to do what I need to do at this point in my life, which is be the best student I can be. But it also made me feel anxiety, a fear for what every move I make now, and how it affects my future. Is that too much pressure on kids of today? It's not really my question to contemplate, or answer, right now. Right now, whether that bodes true or not, I've got to get over the difficulties and make achievements that I want to happen in my life happen. Because who cares if there's more pressure? If you make that your excuse, someone will gladly take the spot above you.

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