Monday, April 7, 2014

Assignment 22: Sofi Tzouanakis

I love Downton Abbey. It's truly one of the best shows to hit television in this generation. I've also always looked to the past with admiration, whether I liked what was happening or not. Lady Mary is a character I absolutely abhorred until this new season, and now I love her. She takes feminism to a new level; she's transformed into just a pretty figure to a women who uses her assets to get what she wants. In the older seasons, she simply sat around and was a little pretentious dirtbag while her sister Sybil (I MISS SYBIL!!!!) actually did something useful during the war while being totally awesome in the process. But Mary steps up in this newest season, standing up for what she thinks is best for Downton, even questioning her dad in the process. Additionally, she's absolutely gorgeous and super sassy: who wouldn't want to be her? Downton is so lavish and has such ridiculous grandiloquence, but I'd be lying if I said I wouldn't want to live there (hint to parents: buy an estate comparable to Downton, forget my college tuition).

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