Friday, April 18, 2014

Blog 24: Kelsey Halbert

My junior year is my favorite year of high school so far. My successes have been not getting any really really bad grades. All in all, my grades have been exceptional. My failures have been learning physics, since the teacher doesn't really teach and it's really easy to get distracted in that class. The lessons that I have learned is that when you look up answers online, you don't actually learn the information. In AP Calculus, literally every open response question is on the internet. It is really easy to just copy down the rubric to get participation points, but it does nothing to help prepare you for the AP test. The risks that I have taken are actually standing up for myself and learning how to say "no." This has also been a reason that I have make mistakes, because I feel like I should say no, even if I wanted to do it. This summer, I plan on working for my dad to help pay for the damage that I did on the percussion teacher's car when I backed into it (it's just a scratch...). I also plan on going to some music festivals and hanging out with my friends. For my senior year, I would like it to not be stressful. I know this will likely not happen but it wold be nice. I hope to get into the colleges that I apply to and to take work seriously and not get seniorotis too bad. I plan n reaching my goals by not getting side-tracked. Also by taking things seriously.

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