Friday, August 23, 2013

Howdy Yourself! - Haven

   Hey guys! My name's Haven Shockley, but that's the least interesting part about me. Hopefully.
   My interests have all been said in other introduction assignments; I like to draw, write stories, role-play, play video games I want to be a graphic novelist, all that jazz. Part of my goal is to have a short book sketched out by winter break, so perhaps it'll be available for a look-see. (Because school is a good place for self-promotion, right?)
   This past summer, my best friend from Florida came up to Kentucky to stay with our family for a week. We're so close to knowing each-other longer than we haven't known each-other, and we've still been in touch after all these years. In any case, my friend loved Kentucky, and we had a lovely time going downtown and staying inside building a church in Minecraft.
   Alright, so I'm about to go into the "geek-out" territory. You can turn back while you can. 
   I have two major geek-outs actually, the first one I can perhaps relate to other people is Touhou. What is Touhou? Briefly, it is a shooting type/danmaku/bullet hell game similar to Galaga, except with absurd difficulty, an almost entire female cast, beautiful bullet patterns and (in my opinion) amazing music. Before I go on a tangent I'll just say check it out on youtube, it's a difficult game but so much fun in my personal experience.
   The other thing I can talk about all day but don't is role-playing. I loved LARP'ing (Live-Action-Role-Play) as a child back in the days when it was referred to as "make believe," and I still role play with my friend. The problem with me talking about it though is that my friend and I have made our own rules and Original Characters, the same kind I'd like to write about someday. So when someone asks about it, I'm a bit hesitant to answer and then explain, and when I do I can't stop talking sort of like I can't stop now. I should though.
   Online resource time! 

   (it's a picture of me and two of my characters. I consider them my muses and oh god shut up before you go on a tangent again)
   And of course, if you ever need to find me I'll be on (Of course, there's minimal chance of running into not safe for work art/literature there, so do me and yourself a favor and just visit my page instead. I like pageviews, they make me feel special. Rated PG-13 for mild language.)
   That was a mouthful. I know it's a long post, but I warned you.

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