Sunday, August 25, 2013

Read With Caution

Hi there! My parents named me Olivia (meaning “olive branch”) because I guess they thought I would be a peaceful child-and I was!-up until fourth grade when my friend told me I was lame for sticking so close to the dress code. I like to say that was the turning point in my life when I stopped being a goody two-shoes and more of a free spirit (not to be confused with trouble-maker). I was born in Louisville, Kentucky so although I’m not a fan of their sports teams, I feel a deep connection to the city-specifically The Old Spaghetti Factory and the zoo, my two favorite places on the planet. I have two brothers and two sisters so maybe I’m loud because I’ve had to talk over them for years. I’ve been playing volleyball since 6th grade and I think I’ve come a long way since playing for Winburn. I play outside hitter for my high school team and for club, all the way around. I can’t decide if I love it or hate it honestly. Practicing every day and having tournaments on weekends every so often can get sort of repetitive but hitting girls in the face makes up for it. I also play the double bass in the Symphonic Orchestra at HC. The only song I have memorized is the theme to Jaws (which consists of two notes).

So I was a little stressed over this assignment because I couldn’t think of anything that makes me geeky! Some people have it easy with their Doctor Who or Harry Potter obsessions or by simply being in band whereas I have had to think long and hard about what could possibly make me geeky (but not gross). After creeping on other students’ posts, I realized my true passion: rides. Not the kind I get from my friends/parents because even though I turn 17 in three months, I still don’t have my license. I’m talking about amusement park rides. You know that feeling you get where you think you’re going to lose your last meal when you go down the first big hill on a rollercoaster? It feels like your stomach is doing somersaults! Well, I LOVE THAT FEELING. One of these days I’m going to find the world’s scariest rollercoaster and ride it. I also love milkshakes, whether from Sonic or Steak & Shake or the blender in my kitchen and I hate how everyone who has every instagrammed a picture of a milkshake has to caption it as “My milkshakes bring all the boys to the yard!” It’s not funny anymore.

You should also know that I am a belly flop champion. That is all.

Oh and my favorite website is Without Google, I would be lost.
Picture day with Lynsey and Haley! I have a love/hate relationship with them like I do volleyball (kidding, of course).
Before anyone goes and makes fun of my one-piece (Sofi), I want to establish that this was a church event so I had to keep it appropriate.

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