Sunday, August 25, 2013

I am David Stevens.

            I have three older sisters, and very rarely are we all in the same hemisphere. Last summer, I took my first trip abroad to visit my sister Carolyn and my new brother-in-law Ian. They live in Turkey right now. Why, you ask? Well, if I told you, I would have to kill you. We saw Istanbul together, walking through the ancient church of Justinian as the Muslim call to prayer reverberated through the city. While touring the ancient ruins of Ephesus, Turkish vendors tried to sell me cheap trinkets and fake watches. I like history, so it was exciting to see these places where Roman emperors prayed and the Turks conquered.

            I am an Eagle Scout, which means that I have spent a lot of nights on the cold, hard ground. I think humans have an intrinsic connection with the natural world, and that gets lost today. One of the best experiences of my life was when I went to Philmont, a BSA (Boy Scouts of America) high-adventure base in New Mexico. Our crew spent two weeks backpacking through the wilderness; we covered about 70 miles in all. One day, I want to hike the Appalachian Trail.

            Music plays an integral part in my life. Until last year, I was in the band at Henry Clay; now I am an appreciator, not a performer. My favorite group at this moment is The Mountain Goats, and the rest of my iPod includes The Beatles, Ben Folds, U2, and Frank Sinatra—to name a few.

            If I added it all up, I think I would spend the most time playing golf—right behind sleeping and going to school. I started golfing when I was pint-sized. Now, I am on the HC Varsity golf team—go Devils!—and rarely a day goes by when I don’t play. I want to improve every year.

I spend a lot of time on YouTube. Some of my subscriptions are Veritasium, Vsauce (Michael Stevens), and CGPGrey. Here’s a random video from my favorite, the vlogbrothers:

I don't really have a favorite website, but there's nothing else like leekspin.

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