Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Assignment 19: Caty Beth Gooding

"I think you would really like the show Sherlock. The BBC version. You should watch it."  These words really shouldn’t have changed my life, but they did. I have spent hours watching the show, and then many more hours "binge watching" as my dad likes to call when I re-watch a season or more in a day.  But I have spent a good amount of time looking for the release date of season 3. But that's just the start of it. Sherlock was the gateway drug of British television shows for me. I began to watch Doctor Who (and once again, "binge watch"), which, let's admit it, is very time consuming. Once school ends, I have a list of shows to watch on my Netflix queue. But besides that, I have converted several of my close friends and family to Sherlock, including my grandparents and my youth group, and converted my small cousins and brother to Doctor Who. 

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