Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Blog 26: Kelsey Halbert

Overall I liked this class. English has never been my strong suit, especially writing, but I feel like my writing has gotten better over the time period of this class. I liked the class congresses, people actually had meaningful input instead of putting pointless comments on turnitin.com for a grade. Honestly, the socratic seminars were pointless to this class. Also, you should spend less time on the analytical essay and more time on the argument and synthesis essays. I understand that there were many snow days, but I felt a little weaker on those two essay because we had written less. During the musical, you seemed to have a little trouble balancing out the musical and school. I love you, but sometimes you make comments that are unnecessary and rude. That didn't happen often, though. Overall you're a good teacher and a really nice person. I have to admit, I did enjoy this class and it was a nice way to end the day.

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