Friday, May 30, 2014

Class Feedback -- D-Steve

I do not enjoy writing. I abominate it. I abhor it. I despise it. But I am not terrible at it. As such, I have typically done alright in English classes—while loathing every minute of it. This school year was not the same, and I appreciate that. Throughout the year, I found myself—for the most part—having fun in this class. Certainly, the timed writings were not fun. But I understand that they were necessary for the AP Exam, and I think they helped in that regard. The same goes for the multiple choice tests. While I don’t like to write, I love to read. The best English classes, in my opinion, have a bit of critical reading in them. That is what I think was most lacking in this class. I would like us to read something: Shakespeare, John Green, whatever. That is what I have to say. Thank you for teaching us.

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