Thursday, May 29, 2014

Assignment 26- Olivia Dixon

In spite of all the Socratic seminars, timed writings, practice AP exams, and other pain-in-the-butt assignments, English has been my favorite class this year. I’ve enjoyed the casual feel of the class, as well as the focus on discussion as opposed to lengthy lectures. I liked being able to bounce ideas off of others during Socratic seminars, but some of the prompts lacked substance, making it difficult to carry on a discussion with little redundancy. To be honest, I lost most of my motivation by 6th hour so I never gave much effort to the timed writings. Next year’s juniors are going to hate me for this, but I think you should collect all timed writings at the end of class so that students are required to finish.

I found Congress to be way more productive than online peer reviews. I think everyone paid more attention when reading as a class rather than individually on a computer. I don’t think people put much effort into their turnitin comments. I wish we had done more practice AP multiple choice tests—completing and reviewing these as a class helped immensely on the actual exam. Also, I almost always lost interest and zoned out when going over the sample essay packets. It might have been better to not do so many in one class period.

I don’t think weekly blogs are all that necessary and I almost always forgot to do them until Sunday night. Some of the prompts were fun to respond to, like the one where we got to write about our table partner. The rest of them were just blah.

Overall, I’ve had fun in your class and I’ll let you know if I ever have to change a tire!

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