Tuesday, May 27, 2014

This Afternoon? - Haven

   As in, this afternoon this afternoon?!
   This afternoon is stressful for me, which is more than I can say when this post was due several months ago. Physically, not much is going on around me, There's so chatter among other students but nothing else to note. Mentally, everything's a mess right now. But how could it not be? The dreaded finals week approaches. And as of this afternoon-this afternoon I have two independent finals that need to have work done. At least one of them, a children's story for Creative Writing, has a cover page and a plot. The other final, the English PSA, needs a serious re-work. (Would describing the issue be counted as a spoiler? I'd rather not discuss it just in case it counts against me.)
   There's a quote I heard just yesterday about time. I think. Something along the lines of "There's only one direction, forward! Onward into the future!" I just recalled it this afternoon-this afternoon. And indeed, although I should be discussing the current time my brain just wants to think ahead. forward into the future. This afternoon is dull, put bluntly. The future has a much wider potential for things to happen.
   There's also a song title like that: "Tomorrow Will be Special, Yesterday Was Not." So not only is this afternoon dull, yesterday was too. 
   But tomorrow WILL be this afternoon and even yesterday eventually, and they'll be considered dull, too. I need to stop. I don't want a head ache this afternoon.

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