Sunday, November 17, 2013

Assignment 13- Ethan Petraitis

Oh my gosh, I just dropped my brand new iPhone 5s on the ground and broke it, but it's not MY fault it broke, my dad got me like, seriously the worst looking case ever, and I was NOT about to walk around with that thing all day, so it's all his fault. Augh, now I have to use my old, ugly iPhone 4s until my parents buy me another 5s (but it's fine, I really wanted the gold one anyway). So now instead of typing my blog post on my phone like I always do, I have to use my fricking MacBook Pro that I got for my half-birthday last year instead of the car I wanted and like, oh my gosh, I think someone totally spiked my Starbucks White Mocha Frappuccino with something because I can't stop talking and this sentence is getting really long and now I'm just stating random facts that should totally be their own sentences and like, this coffee is way too cold so I'm just going to throw it away after taking two sips even though it was $17. #TheStruggle #IHateMyParents #PrivilegedWhiteGirlProbs #thisiswaytoolongfortwitter #Hashtag

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