Sunday, November 17, 2013

"The End of Racial Prejudice"

By Ray Cist

It is no secret that racial tensions still exist in America. While the legal system has been righted, first through the 13th, 14th and 15th Amendments and later the Civil Rights Acts of the 1960s, de facto discrimination is a fact of life. And it always will be, as long as blacks and other minorities have to live with ignorant whites.

To this problem I have determined the one logical solution.

Forty-one million black people currently live in America. This is exactly equal to the combined populations of the states of Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana and Mississippi. I see no reason why this region should not be ceded to the black people for their own nation, a place where they can live free from persecution and prejudice—the Black States of America.

In the interest of equality, other minorities should also receive their own nations.
The 53 million Hispanics will inhabit Washington, Oregon, California and Arizona.
To the Asian Americans, all of New England will be given.

In this fashion, each subset of American society will become its own sovereign nation. 
After the initial relocation phase, this plan will usher in a new epoch of racial equality*.

*Disclaimer: The views expressed above are strictly satirical. Ray Cist is a fictional persona. If I am running in the 2048 election, don’t make this a thing.

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