Sunday, November 3, 2013

My Neighbor

I met Grace Goulson freshman our year, in homeroom. The first class we had together was second hour biology, in that same year. In freshman year, I always thought that her best friend was Kelsey, and she still seems very close to Kelsey. I imagine her to be one of the best friends anyone could have. She always laughs at the jokes people tell (sometimes even when they're not especially funny), and pokes fun of people she enjoys being around, but in good humor. She has always strives towards good grades, and as far as I know, achieves that goal. From what I see of her Instagram pictures, she seems to be a very outdoors-ey kind of person, which I admire, because I only feel that way when it's warm outside. In five years, I see her as a successful individual, but I don’t know what she might be doing. 

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