Sunday, November 10, 2013

Inanimate Object- Ethan Petraitis

"You Hipster wannabe, stop listening to Arcade Fire, you know you don't even like them. And who is this Beirut guy? You're trying so hard that I honestly just feel bad for you. Why don't you just get rid of all this crap and load up some Lil Wayne or Adam Levine like a normal kid?" My iPod hates me. I cram it into my pocket, mess around with it, skip every single song twice, put it back, get it back out and then do it all over again; only to eventually leave it out to die. On top of it's abuse, it's stuck in an extremely effeminate red snap case. I've opened it up, changed every part of it five times over and shoddily crammed it all back together, fingers crossed that it would live again. Even though my iPod may hate me, I have given it many, many friends. I have stereos, headphones, earbuds, amplifiers, studio monitors, microphones, computers, and many, many cables that all come in contact and make an acquaintance with my iPod. So I'm just glad it isn't animate, because the last thing I would want to do is to stop listening to my Kooks CD only to hear my iPod complaining about me.

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