Sunday, November 3, 2013

My neighbor

Olivia Dixon. There is so much to say about her and I don’t know where to start. I’ve known her since the 6th grade and she’s been one of my best friends since then so I think it’s safe to say I know a lot about her.

She dedicates a majority of her time to volleyball. She has a passion for it which is why she never quits even though she says every year she wants to. She plays the bass in the school orchestra. She loves God and loves to talk about church. You can really tell she tries her best to live through Christ. One of the coolest things about her is how she can see the good things in people. That sounds really cheesy but it’s true. You could pick any person out and the first thing she would say about them is something good. She doesn’t necessarily try to find the good things in people; it just happens that way for her. She can make anyone laugh and I mean ANYONE (she’ll get mad at you if you say she’s not funny…).

If I had to pick an animal that she is like it would probably be a turtle. No actually she’s more like a gay turtle.

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