Sunday, November 24, 2013

My Thanksgiving - Kelsey Halbert

My Thanksgiving is usually spent at my great aunt's home in Ashland with her clan, consisting of her husband, daughter, son in law, and her grandson; with the addition of my grandparents, parents, and myself. I usually have a great time, since I don't get to see them often. This year will be quite different for all of us though. My great aunt's husband passed away last year due to leukemia, my grandfather passed away last April from COPD and other complications, and my cousin is on his two year mission trip for the Mormon Church. Also, my grandmother passed away back in 2006, so we have been without her for awhile. Even though this is a holiday meant for giving thanks, it will be quite hard without hearing the sounds of the people that you love. I will still enjoy this holiday, because I know that they would want me to, but it it going to be very difficult to do so. I hope this is 150 words because I really can't talk about this anymore.

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