Sunday, October 13, 2013

Alex Warren

I guess I’ll just choose fears since it’s at the top of the list and it’s probably the easiest one for me to talk about. My three main fears are spiders, heights, and failure. I know the first two seem pretty common so I’ll just explain those rather quickly. Spiders, they are the absolute definition of N-O-P-E, as soon as I see one I become a little girl who is screaming for daddy to come and kill it. I am deathly afraid of them. Heights and I have a love/hate relationship. For example when ever I ride the Diamondback at Kings Island I am face down in the seat praying that I don’t die on the slow ascension. Although as soon as we reach the peak of the track and accelerate toward the earth at 65 mph I lose all fear and have the adrenaline rush of a life time. And lastly my fear of failure. It is literally the only reason I somewhat excel in school. I hate not doing well, but at the same time I am a very lazy person. So these to things combined make school suck for me because I am stuck doing something I really don’t like doing for the reason that I am afraid of the consequences later on down the road if I were to just blow it off. So yeah my academic life is confused to say the least.

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