Sunday, October 13, 2013

Assignment 8

Fears: Regret, Failure, Missing opportunities
Annoyances: meaningless conversations, lack of effort, why there are so many freaking cars parked on the sides of my street when it's already narrow and the driveways are wide open
Accomplishments: handling myself well this school year
Confusions: rudeness/putting others down, everything
Sorrows: I have no idea what I want to do in college
Dreams: To travel as much as I can, find an occupation that I love
Idiosyncrasies: hate salad dressing, I mumble a lot, most of what I say is sarcastic
Risks: jumped off a silo in the middle of a lake
Beloved possessions: Friends and family
Problems: organization, procrastination

I don't really feel like ranting about my annoyances so I'll just talk about my risks.
So there's this lake in Tennessee that my family goes to with a bunch of our friends every year over Memorial Day. In the middle of the lake, there are brick silos just sticking up out of the water. We had seen people jumping off of them in previous years, so one year a few of decided to try it too. I am proud of myself for sucking it up and being brave, but I will not be doing that again. To get to the top you have to swim underneath the silo and find the opening of a vertical tunnel that leads to the top. After knocking my head on the brick, I finally found this narrow tunnel. I then proceeded to climb the very slippery and very spaced out metal ladder handles, and prayed that I wouldn't fall to my death. After finally making it to the top with a gash in my knee and my nerves fried, I could enjoy the view before me. It was pretty with the lake and the sunset and all that, and I jumped off and yeah that was great too. But the journey there just wasn't worth it to me.

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