Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Halloween Scary Fun Time! - Haven

   In preparation for the zombie apocalypse, our survival depends on the excess of three things - food, guns, and treadmills. 
   The first of these objects is obvious, as we'll need food to survive. Perhaps the best course of action regarding food is to buy plants and renovate a room to be a miniature farm. The guns are for defense, but if all goes well, their usage will be quick and minimal.
   The final step is to acquire treadmills. Lots and lots of treadmills.
   The treadmills will be hooked to a generator (perhaps water-mill powered) and surround the safe house. They should all be set on maximum and face away from the walls. For the first few days maintenance is required, shooting any zombies that come too close for comfort, but once rigor-mortis sets in the zombies should be too stiff to pose any real threat.
   Survive as long as possible, the end.

   . . . . Well, that was far shorter than I'm satisfied with, lets do a second prompt!
   My biggest fear, as I'm to believe, is failure.
   I can't confirm it, but I believe it's close to a phobia. I've been told as a child I would refuse to speak simply because I didn't want to pronounce the words wrong.
   Even today I have some difficulty facing situations where I might be incorrect. It might be as simple as a question in conversation (where I'd reply "I'm not sure, just tell me" to learn I was right) or a video game interrogation (thanks, LA Noire) more seriously not answer questions on tests. Some entire essays go unfinished because of this. I love writing, but I hate the idea of being wrong.
   But failure is part of the human experience, so I really shouldn't be afraid.
   So why am I?
   I can't tell you why.
   Perhaps it's just pressure. My parents remind me that as the youngest sibling I'd be the first to go to college, that I'm gifted and special and all the other nice things parents tell you that makes them your parents. It sounds like a fair argument in my head, but I still can't shake the feeling that it's something deeper. I feel that this fear is something I as a teenager who skipped on psychology class can explain.
   I suppose the fear isn't crippling, but it's there and more prominent that my other fears.

   Geez, all these blogs recently make me think I need to see a professional.

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