Monday, October 14, 2013

Assignment 8: Ethan Petraitis

Fears: Anything dying in a bloody way, losing friends.
Annoyances: People who don't stop doing something annoying even though you tell them, too much noise.
Accomplishments: I won a bass fishing competition when i was like 4?
Confusions: Ignorant people.
Sorrows: Letting people down, not providing what I said I would, lack of motivation.
Dreams: Having a large garage when I buy a house, making guitars for a living.
Idiosyncrasies: Asking strangers for small favors, trying to make as many social connections as possible.
Risks: Only  using Craigslist to purchase things? Taking liability for things I could never afford.
Beloved Possessions: My ipod, records, anything musical (then and now) my ukulele (now)
Problems: Completely obsessive over certain things, lack of motivation.

 It's really hard for me to verbally tell you what emotion I'm feeling at any given time, but give me 30 seconds and internet access and I know I can find a song that will tell you better than I ever could. Music is my most beloved possession since it's fundamentally necessary in my communication. If you were to look at a facebook conversation between me and a friend, every other line could be a song showing whatever point I'm trying to make at the time. I'm essentially the Abed of music references (Community anyone?). So anyway, since music, for me at least, shows emotions and conveys ideas more efficiently than any other form of media, I need to play my ukulele, guitars, mandolins, didgeridoos and synthesizers to just get whatever has been stuck in my head all day out and into the open air, without them I don't know where I'd be.

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