Thursday, October 3, 2013

On This, The Day ... - Haven

    ... That Edgar Allen Poe was found in a gutter in Baltimore, delirious as can be. It was the last time the public saw him before his death.
  On September 27th 1849 Poe started his journey towards Philadelphia, only to be found six days later (today, October 6th) in tattered clothing, unusual for the normally well dressed man. A mister Joseph W. Walker discovered the poet in front of a tavern and quickly contacted an acquaintance of Poe's, reporting that he was "rather worse for wear," that "he is in need of immediate assistance." That same day he was transported to the Washington University Hospital of Baltimore, only to die on the 7th of October. 
How ... fitting? Too soon?
   It was distressing enough of a sight for Walker to immediately contact a stranger on Poe's request. Yet, as tragic as this event is to every fan of the poet, I honestly think there could have been no better end to this life.
   Oh no, I'm not saying this event was a good thing, please don't damn me to hell for that. It certainly was devastating to the people at the time. What I am saying is that fate out did itself. Poe was and of course still is know as a dark and mysterious poet, so that his death would carry that same tone couldn't have been more appropriate. So for the final judgement, do I hate or love this event? Well ... no. 
   I can't love this tragedy because it became a terrible end to a man I adore. Yet at the same time I can't hate this coincidence it couldn't have been a better written final chapter to Poe's life.  
   I'd give it a 7 out of 9. 

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