Sunday, October 13, 2013

My subject chose me

Fears--I think my only fear is fear itself...which can mean one of two things: one, I am afraid of a large number of things. Two, I am afraid of very few things. 
Annoyances--a combination of arrogance and ignorance
Accomplishments--survived for 17 years so far, survived multiple Tiger Mom attacks.
Confusions--nature vs. nurture
Sorrows--tendency to get overinvolved
Dreams--being able to do something that makes me happy and helps others, travel
Idiosyncrasies--becoming obsessive something I really like, tendency to be overly sarcastic and/or cynical. So basically I'm either really enthusiastic or really uninterested.
Risks--um...I recently hopped over a police guarded barricade at the Lincoln Memorial
Beloved Possessions, Now and Then--then, my pacifiers apparently. Now, my phone. It's bad. I think it's worse than I was with my pacifiers. I think I have attachment anxiety.
Problems--wait how is this different from "sorrows"? Procrastination I guess.

I have constantly been intrigued--if not just confused--by the idea of nature vs. nurture, which essentially begs the question: "are our thoughts/behaviors/abilities/inabilities etc. shaped more by genetics or more by our upbringing and environment?" While this is a classic psychological and philosophical question, I often find myself wondering about this in the context of every day life. For example, can someone who is bad at math really be blamed for being bad at math if they're genetically inclined to be bad at math? Or the better question--can someone who is lazy really be blamed and chastised for being lazy if they're genetically driven (excuse the irony) to be lazy? Is criminal behavior able to be corrected by mitigating domestic factors, or is it an uncontrollable inherited trait? Or, if not a trait, the result of some chemical imbalance in the brain? When you begin asking these sorts of questions, many of the lines of justice, morals, and even education become blurred. I think this actually relates a lot to the "annoyances" section above. Is it right for me to be annoyed by people who are arrogant and ignorant if they can't help being that way? 

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