Sunday, October 27, 2013

Assignment 10

Considering Halloween is approaching, I'm assuming the "what scares you the most" prompt is referring to the more stereotypical fears like vampires and ghosts, not failure or death.
Under this assumption, I think the thing that scares me most is running away from someone in the dark with the inevitable fate that they WILL CATCH YOU. The natural 'fight or flight' instinct cannot be fulfilled because 'flight' is impossible. Somebody is coming, and when they finally touch you, all of those stress and adrenaline-induced springs of tension will finally snap and send a shock of the purest and most white form of terror you have ever felt. And even after they grab you, fear upsets you again. Will they torture you? Where are they taking you? Why is this happening to me? Why can't I just go home? The questions will eat at you reserves of sanity until the membrane is eradicated, causing your offenders to prod your exposed insanity until nothing is there anymore. No complex thoughts, just the blinding emotion of fear and paranoia for the rest of your unfulfilled life. Or maybe they'll let you off easy and just kill you. Who's to say one outcome is better than the other?
I think the above just showcases how I should stop thinking too hard. Yeah, I think I've decided: in this case, ignorance is undeniably and undoubtedly bliss.

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