Monday, October 28, 2013

Assignment 3: Parker Carroll, make up

I believe in absolute good and evil. However, I do believe that absolute good and absolute evil only exist in extreme cases. For example, some of the things Nazi's did to Jews during WWII were absolutely evil. Fortunately, I don't things quite that bad happen very often. On the other hand, I think absolute good is a rather common occurrence. I find someone giving a homeless person to be absolute good. Them helping someone in need and less fortunate is absolutely good. Although, these examples differ drastically in their magnitude I find them to be accurate. In my opinion, something that can be described as "absolute evil" is very severe.
Good and evil definitely have to exist. Without good, society would basically have an "every man for himself" mentality. Although, we wish absolute evil didn't exist we have to have it. Absolute evil is what we've used to develop our sense of right and wrong. Without right and wrong their would be anarchy and no civilized societies.
 Everyone has their own ideas of good and evil. I view evil as a party deliberately causing a severely negative affect on another party. Where as, I find good to be a party deliberately causing a positive affect on another party without intending to receive any gain and/or benefit.  

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