Sunday, October 13, 2013

Assignment 8- Olivia

Fears: getting stuck in a tight/dark place (like a cave) and it filling up with water, people not knowing how much they mean to me

Annoyances: being able to hear people chew and swallow their food, people telling me I’m not funny, people talking during movies, having to poop right after a shower, practicing over fall break, people being unnecessarily rude to others

Accomplishments: still playing volleyball (after wanting to quit about 1000+ times), finding true friends, winning a belly flop contest at church camp, ceasing to bite my fingernails since the first grade

Confusions: math, why “weird” people aren't loved as much as “normal” people (in other words, why image is such a big deal), why people make fun of those with special needs

Sorrows: missed opportunities

Dreams: traveling the world, riding in a hot air balloon, being a role model, going on mission trips to third world countries

Idiosyncrasies: the way I eat pizza, how I count when I apply deodorant, my love of sunsets and deep breaths

Risks: doing a belly flop off the high dive, jumping from an 8 foot shed into a human basket

Beloved possessions: my hair straightener (just kidding!), I can't think of anything tangible so compassion

Problems: having good ideas, just not putting them to action

I love movies. I think they're entertaining and a great escape from reality. If I could, I would wrap myself up in my big green blanket (much like a cocoon) and have on hand endless supplies of buttery popcorn, Buncha Crunch, and sour gummy worms and watch movies until I got bored. What I don't love about movies is how they only say things once and there's no way for you to give the characters a look and say, "I'm sorry, what was that again?" (Of course, talking about going to see a movie in theaters here). This tends to happen when the person next to you WON'T SHUT UP. Note: I know I'm a motor mouth and if you want me to be quiet just start a movie and I promise you won't hear a peep from me for a while. When people are talking around you, it can be very distracting and it can cause you to miss essential bits of dialogue. Also, it's embarrassing when people around you have to shush your friend. Don't even get me started about the time I went to see The Lion King in 3D and Chelsea sang along to every song...

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