Sunday, October 13, 2013

Assignment 8: Sofi Tzouanakis

Fears: Horses, snakes, not being successful, the unknown, humiliation
Annoyances: Know-it-alls, early birds, immaturity, stupidity
Accomplishments: The Academy, becoming chair of a coalition, Leadership Lex, EAP leader, top band in band, best Jenga player
Confusions: what to be, who I am, everything (I question everything)
Sorrows: my brother, not giving back to the world what it gives to me, growing up
Dreams: loving my career/future, traveling the world, experiencing love
Idiosyncrasies: asking random questions due to weird trains of thought, using something right after I buy it, smelling my upper lip
Risks: trying out for any organization where I could fail, going abroad by myself, getting lost in NYC
Beloved Possessions, Now and Then: iPhone, Blankie, Grandma's wedding band, my old video games
Problems: negativity, pride, anti-social tendencies, laziness

I don't know where my dislike of horses started. Doesn't make much sense, really. I live in thoroughbred country, for Christ's sake. But really, have you ever seen a horse's mouth up close? Feed a sugar cube to one of those toothy caverns, and get used to only counting 5 fingers. I remember being at this posh birthday party once, and there it was, the stereotypical entertainment for squirrel-brained kids: a pony ride. All the normal kids were desolating the sound barrier with shouts of excited, I'm pretty sure I was about to crap my pants. I hid in the bathroom the entire time and came out just in time to be the next victim. I copped out by saying I was allergic, but at least I didn't have to ride that bestial thing. Now that I'm older, I'd like to face my fears, but to be honest, I would still probably have an accident if I had to ride one

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