Sunday, December 1, 2013

Assignment 10 Make-up- Olivia Dixon

I love to talk. I don’t care if the discussion has any meaning or not, I just love interacting with people. I have never been great at showing how much I care or picking out the right gifts for my friends but I feel like I really connect to people through good conversations. Getting to know people is so interesting! I think it’s so cool how unique we all are. We all possess the same anatomies, yet different talents, passions, and dreams. So what scares me the most is losing my voice, and not being able to communicate with people anymore. I’m sure I would find a way to cope (maybe use a whiteboard, or learn sign language), but what scares me is losing the simplicity of conversation. Small talk in the hallways or at the grocery store wouldn’t be the same. I would still smile and acknowledge other beings but not being able to use words to encourage others, to share the Gospel, to get to really know people, is what scares me the most.

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