Sunday, December 1, 2013

Assignment 14: make up

My Thanksgiving for the most part looks normal. My grandmother does make a couple "different" dishes though. My grandmother makes oyster stuffing and jello salad. Frankly, I find them both to be disgusting but oh well. Next to Christmas, Thanksgiving is probably my favorite holiday. It is the only holiday where one is encouraged to gain as much weight as possible. Plus I like food and there is always plenty of it on Thanksgiving. I do have one specific memory of the holiday that some would consider a bad memory while others would consider it a funny one. When I was six or seven years old my grandfather made all the pies for Thanksgiving dinner. He was a good cook but in this instance he forgot one key ingredient, sugar. Each one of his homemade pies looked delicious and tasted like moist cardboard. However, since the old man never once admitted to making a mistake he had three slices of homemade, sugarless pumpkin pie. God love him.

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