Sunday, December 1, 2013

Assignment 14

My thanksgivings are usually never dull. Every year we drive 9 hours through the mountains (I hate that car ride with a passion) to go visit my nana and cousins. Some of the men in my family go hunting on thanksgiving day, and the rest of us drive up to the farm. It's not really a farm, it's just a big piece of land that my step-grandfather owns. I don't know why they call it a farm. While my nana and her recruits help prepare the evening feast, the rest of us go ride 4-wheelers until we can't feel our faces and fingers. After a long day of doing that we all finally come together to eat. As usual, my nana does a fantastic job with all the food she prepares, and we are all full and sleepy afterwards. This year my brother wanted to watch my grandpa skin his deer after we ate, so he followed him outside. My brother, who is 10, comes running back in after awhile and proudly announces that he got to saw the head off, and holds up a leg that he cut off as well for everyone to see. My mother's face was priceless. 

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