Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Blog 10 - Kelsey Halbert MAKE UP

 I would say that the thought of dying scares me the most. When you really sit down and think about life, one day your best friend will no longer be here to make you laugh, or you won't be here to make the person laugh. Once people get older and have children of their own, they will eventually leave them, all alone to fend for themselves. It's very scary to me. I try to not think about it too very often. Another thing that scares me that goes along with dying is what happens after you die. Is hell a real place? If you really go to church and follow the path that God has for you, will you go to heaven? Are the things that you learn in church real? Some parts I can believe, but then other parts just seem completely outrageous. That's the scary part: no one knows. I guess that's why people are dying to find out.

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