Monday, September 30, 2013

Good And Evil - Haven

   Of course I believe in good and evil, let's just make this clear as soon as possible. But as a online roleplayer I think of the concept of good and evil more as a spectrum, and less as two absolutes that are black and white.
   For the purpose of this blog it would be ridiculous to reference any fictional occurrence where the spectrum is displayed, but I would like to discuss a chart I've seen a lot of writers (and indeed myself) use to group any group of characters. It's called the alignment chart, and it has nine spaces ranging from Lawful Good to True Neutral to Chaotic Evil, showing the alignment as well as the motivation to the characters involved. In my personal opinion the motivations behind an good/evil act can be more or less forgivable.
   For example, say a man has stolen some money. Theft is an evil, I'm sure we can all agree. Now what if this man was stealing to ensure his family could eat for another day? Cue a mental "Ohh..." from the mind, contemplating if it was truly evil. Me, I'd say it was a lawful to neutral evil, because the theft was evil with good intentions. The reverse can also occur - the man who invented vaccines willingly injected a diluted strand of a disease into a child. Neutral good if he did it with the idea of saving lives, chaotic if just wanted to be right. 
   I believe a spectral view of morality as opposed to a black-and-white one can be healthy, if only because it has the potential to make people more open minded to the actions of others.

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Assignment 7: On This Date

September 29th through October 6th. Those are the dates for your blog entry this week.

Pick one of the dates this week and look up historical events happened on that date. Choose the event of your liking and answer the following:

What happened? Was this good or bad?
What influence did this have on the world? A nation? A city? Your existence?
Do you appreciate this event? Do you loathe it?

Continue to editorialize as you see fit.

Due Sunday, October 6th at 11:59 pm

Three prompts: Grace Goulson

1.  What is a job environment that you would NOT enjoy working in? Don't just say garbage collector or something dumb like that.

2. What is the most important political topic being brought up now (or in the last few years)?

3. What is the best thing to do in your free time besides watching TV?

3. Honestly the best thing to do is absolutely nothing. People are always wanting to do something and they always have to be occupied with their phone or a game or a book. I mean, don't get me wrong- phones, games, and books are all really great and I love them, but sometimes its nice to just go sit outside and observe. It gives you time to think instead of having someone or something else doing the thinking for you. Or better yet, don't even think. Literally sit there and do nothing except for looking, hearing, touching, breathing, and existing. You should try it once; it's pretty great.

Create your own adventure Sofi Tzouanakis

1.) What animal do you think would be your spirit animal? Give specific similarities.
2.) Where is your favorite place to contemplate life or daydream? Why?
3.) If you could live anywhere, where would it be and why? Where is the last place you would ever want to live and why?

2.) My favorite place to impersonate Aristotle is the shower. I think a lot of people give the same answer to this question. I believe it is the reassurance absolutely nobody will disurb me that makes me feel like it is the perfect place to reflect without interruptions. The water not only seems to wash away impurities of the body, but also the mind and the spirit. I feel as though after I mull over the previous day's events in my mind, the filing cabinets in my mind are properly organized and I feel at rest. It is also quiet, but not completely silent--the sound of falling water patters loud enough to be existent, but soft enough to not be intrusive on your thoughts.

Three prompts

1. Would you rather be rich yet unhappy, or poor but happy?
2. Which do you prefer? A good movie or a good book?
3. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it ? Why?

I prefer books over movies. I like movies, but an enticing book is better entertainment for me. They allow us to be creative and imagine the plots in our heads. There is also far more detail in books, and this is because authors don't have to fit their stories into 2-hour chunks. It's more engaging that way. If I find a book really enjoyable, I'm not able to put it down until I finish, no matter how long that is. It's one of my favorite things about reading. 

Three Prompts

1. Do you think individual's behaviors are more influenced by "nature" or "nurture"? Give examples.

2. What does "hipster" mean to you?

3. What's the appeal of Starbucks?

I'll pick prompt 3 because frankly the other two would take me all night. I believe part of the appeal of Starbucks is not necessarily the taste of the coffee, although it may be more of a determining factor than most skeptics might think. To some extent, Starbucks has taken on a cultural significance that transcends its role as simply a coffee brand. It has developed a distinctive style. As cliche as it may sound at this point, girls are more inclined to spend a couple dollars more on Starbucks because it will make a cute Instagram picture or it is a nice addition to their outfit.I don't understand why there are people who are firmly opposed to Starbucks just because of its cultural role. I know plenty of people who just go there because they make good coffee. It really depends on your perspective.

Create Your Own Adventure: Ethan Petraitis

1. What is the best kind of music? Not just your favorite, but the best for any occasion, the one-size-fits-all of music. Defend your answer.

2. What is the one thing you have to be the best at, or the thing you have to have the best of? Are you determined to have the newest phone, the fastest lap time, the coolest watch? Explain.

3. Here's the scenario: You’re in a truck carrying nuclear waste and your friend, the driver, tells you that the brake cable snapped. He also just informed you that he has narcolepsy. Your job is to keep him awake long enough to steer you to safety by discussing the scariest thing you can possibly imagine.

Alright, well I have to pick number 3 because I spent way too much time writing it and already have an answer. Flying spiders. Flying spiders are just perfect nightmare fuel, they're already incredibly scary, so adding 3-dimensional movement to what is already a compact ball of horror is just too much to handle, and I'm not talking about the 'itsy-bitsy-spider' here, no way, I'm talking about one of those crazy Giant Huntsman spiders, with a legspan of 12 inches, add giant dragonfly wings to that and you’ve got yourself a terror-machine. Spiders that could fly out of nowhere, latch around your entire head, and then eat you, not to mention the fact that they only have like 500,000 babies at a time. The entire human population would be gone in a month. Frightning.

Blog 6 - Kelsey Halbert

1. If you could go anywhere, where would you go and what would you do there?
2. If you could go and change any aspect of your life, what would you change? 
3. If you could go to the future and only tell yourself one thing, what would you say? 

3. I would tell myself to make sure that I am living my life to make myself happy and not to live for other people's expectations. 

Wanna hear a joke about pizza? Nevermind, it's too cheesy.

1. What is the best piece of advice you've ever received? Name the person who gave you the advice and explain how it affected you.

2. Do you have any hidden talents? If not, what do you wish was your hidden talent?

3. What’s something you know you do differently than most people?

Honestly, I don’t love any of these prompts. Funny because I came up with them, right? I’ll answer to #3 because I don’t mind letting people know how weird I am. I assume when most people eat pizza they start at the tip and finish with the crust. They leave the toppings on so their mouth can enjoy an explosion of Italian goodness. I, on the other hand, pick all the toppings off first- mushrooms, pepperoni, green peppers, sausage, onions- everything. I eat these ingredients separately (oh my goodness, I’m craving mushrooms right now). Next, I peel the cheese off and sort of roll it up into a ball and eat all that greasy goodness just like that. Then, I lick the pizza sauce off (Note: I realize this is disgusting and displeasing to the eye so I try to refrain from doing this in public places with judgmental people around). That means the only thing left is the dough which I then eat like a normal person, from tip to crust. There is no better way to do it.


1.  If you had to teach a subject in high school, what would it be? Why?   

2.   Is Tiger Woods a good role model? Why or why not?

3. What is the single best idea that the U.S. government has ever had (excluding the setup of the government itself)?

Prompt: 2

It remains to be seen whether Tiger Woods will surpass Jack Nicklaus’s record of 18 major championships. He currently has a whopping 14, but the last came at the U.S. Open in 2008. Certainly, he is the best golfer of our time, and perhaps any time ever. Tiger got to this position with an unprecedented work ethic. He started at the tender age of two or three years, and he’s been beating balls since. Tiger’s father, a Vietnam War veteran, distilled this singular determination in him. For this work ethic, Tiger Woods is a good role model.

I’m not saying he’s a saint. Woods is known for reacting to mediocre shots with bursts of anger that include foul language and club slamming. But no man is perfect. Young golfers will still benefit from imitating Tiger’s swing, his work ethic, and his desire to win.

Three prompts ryan collins

Prompt one- what was your favorite childhood toy and why?

Prompt two- Have you ever been out of the country? if so where and what was your experience like? if not then what is the farthest you have been from home and how was it?

Prompt three- what is your favorite season and why?

Prompt three
    My favorite season would have to be fall. for starters, it has the perfect weather of 60 degrees, where you can wear pants and a sweatshirt and not be too hot, and wear shorts and a t-shirt and still be warm. UK football is yet another reason. tailgating is always fun and its a great place to meet new friends and become reacquainted with old ones. School is beginning so its not too hard, and since lacrosse is a spring sport it is limited to a few practices a week and one or two tournaments, which means i have more time on my hands to do nothing. However, fall comes with one great disadvantage: allergies. Thankfully the pros outnumber the cons, which is why fall is my favorite season

Assignment 6 - Angela Tseng

1. What's your favorite season and why?
2. Who's the best champion in League of Legends? Defend your answer.
3. If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go? Why and who would you bring with you?
Prompt 2 :
I have to say that if I were asked this question about a week ago, I'd have to say that Thresh was my favorite seeing as the only role I was capable of playing was Support and he's by far the best support. However, this week as I tried out the role of attack damage carry (adc) I had to change my pick to Caitlyn. I'd tried her several times in the past, liking her, then disliking her, it was a constant love hate relationship. But as she was on free week again this week and I played at least ten games with her, I can finally decide for sure that she's my favorite. She has one of the farthest ranges of all the champions, making it easy to poke at enemy champions and also to kill creeps. Not to mention her e skill is potentially a free flash even letting you hop over terrain. And the last best thing about Caitlyn is her ult. When you use her ult, you can literally snipe anyone from all the way across the map, no matter the distance. That added with the fact that she's probably one of the easiest champions to play definitely makes her the best champion, but that's my opinion, of course.

Create your own adventure

Topic 1: Fandom Weekend
So something that has been on my mind recently is the so called "fandom weekend" that is coming up in November. I believe it starts on Friday, the 22nd with the premiere of The Catching Fire movie, then on Saturday, the Doctor Who 50th Anniversary Special and ending with the rumored Sherlock series 3 release(!!!!) on Sunday. I am so excited for this weekend, you don’t even know. I cannot wait to go see Catching Fire. It was my favorite Hunger Games book, plus I really love all of their casting in these movies. I don’t necessarily not care for Doctor Who, but I have never seen the show, so it's hard for me to get excited for another episode to catch up with. But if the rumors are true, Sherlock is coming out on that Sunday night. I am beyond excited for this. I can't wait to see how the Reichenbach Fall is resolved, or to see new material from Martin Freeman and Benedict Cumberbatch! I want to know specifically what "Rat, Wedding, Bow" means. I will stay up all night if that’s what it takes for me to be able to watch it.   Also in November, they are releasing the new Disney princess move, Frozen, The Book Thief movie, Thor 2, and the Ender's Game movie. The only thing that could make November better is if the 2nd Hobbit movie were to be released as well. But we'll just have to wait until December 13th to watch more Martin Freeman being an adorable little hobbit, and to listen as Benedict Cumberbatch voices Smaug.

Topic 2: summer assignments - Should teachers be allowed to give summer assignments to students? Why or why not? How much?

Topic 3: Student Parking - is there a problem with this? Why or why not? What could be done if it is a problem?

Alex Warren

1.) Living in an apocalypse
2.) What kind of dictator would you be?
3.) Explain your dream life

I choose prompt #1. 
Living in an apocalypse, I think would be it’s own twisted kind of fun. It seems interesting to have to live in a dangerous world, trying to find food, water, shelter, and overall just trying to survive. I obviously have plenty of experience from playing apocalyptic video game such as “The Last of Us” and “The Walking Dead”. I also know how to survive in a apocalypse type life from watching tv shows such as The Walking Dead, Jericho, Revolution, Under the Dome, and so on. I would honestly would want to be a leader of a group in a time like that, it just seems fun to me, although I don’t want the world to end.

Three Prompts

1. If the we lived in the world of a zombie apocalypse, what would you do? Would you fight back, try to recreate a government, or go into hiding? Tell what you would do.

2. If you could trade places with anyone, who would it be and why?

3. Would you rather be a superhero or have unlimited wishes? Tell why.

I'll write about prompt 1, of course.

During a zombie apocalypse, I would definitely fight back and save the human race! With enough dedicated people, I could form a new organized civilization and defend it from the zombies. I would probably encourage some sort of scientific research center that would experiment with the best ways to kill a zombie, how it all started, how we can become immune, etc. Special teams would be created: teams that rotate in defending the colony, teams that go out and search for other people, and teams that just go out and kill as many zombies as possible just to name a few. Some people would need to gather supplies needed for the colony like sources of food and water. I would be the governor/queen, obviously.

Part of me wants to say I would do all of those things and take responsibility in saving the people but the other part of me knows I would probably just want to kill a ton of zombies and leave all that other work to someone else.

Assignment 6: Create Your Own Adventure: Joseph Grigsby

Prompt 1: Who is worse, Kanye West or Kim Kardashian? Why?
Prompt 2: Describe everything wrong with the present high school administration.
Prompt 3: Should Seminar replace one regularly scheduled class during the week?

Prompt 3:

I think that Kanye West is definitely worse than Kim Kardashian, simply for the fact that he is a pretentious, untalented person with the IQ of a shoe. His shenanigans are not the least amusing or commendable, and he untalented to boot. All his songs are crap, and he impregnated Kim Kardashian, which should be a crime against humanity and nature, for mixing his crap genes with an at least better biological subject. I do not understand how he could have been able to accumulate so much wealth, (it certainly wasn't his leather jogging pants). I still do not understand how he believes that he is a genius and the best musician on the planet, at least he was somewhat butchered by South Park, yet it did nothing to stop the tide of his stupidity, pretentiousness, and so on.

Ben G's own adventure

Prompt No. 1:  The TCMS branch of the middle school G/T
Prompt No. 2: Why writing is a chore (for me, at least)
Prompt No. 3: I think this headset has an adolescent mind of its own ***

Recently, I bought a new headset to replace my old and worn out one. Here’s a picture:

Put me back a meager $53. When I unboxed it, it was really, really nice. The output is very nice, with an excellent base. (40mm neodymium drivers, for you audio buffs) To be honest, I have no problem with the sound. It’s really nice, in some ways better than the Bose speakers they are plugged into.

Then there’s the microphone.

The entire reason why I bought a new headset.

Its garbage. Sometimes. The rest of the time, it’s fantastic. When using the Steam voice-chat, it maxes out the input meter. However, sometimes it just stops being nice. Kind of like an adolescent’s brain. Just yesterday, I was on the verge of boxing it up and sending it in for a refund/replacement. Then, magically, it got better. I swear, it must have connected with some middle schooler’s brain and stolen some moodiness. Of course, it could be my yelling into it. Old habits die hard. I had to scream into the old one just to be picked up. 



EDIT No. 2:

I forgot to say the name. Its the Razer Carcharias.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Assignment 6:Create Your Own Adventure

What interests you? What is your point of exigence? What's on your mind?  What do you want to chat about? Rant about? Learn about? 

'Cause really, isn't it all about you? <wink wink nudge nudge>

This week, create three writing prompts that you find most intriguing. Then, choose one prompt and respond to it. 

Please don't make the other prompts "dummy" prompts - I'll be revisiting these options later next semester.


Due Sunday, September 29th at 11:59 pm

On Television

For me television is a guilty pleasure. Every time I tune in, I know that there are a hundred more productive things I could be doing—and yet I watch. I feel my brain melting—and yet I watch. I know the characters are imaginary and it doesn’t matter what happens to them—and yet I watch.

Why, then? I think television presents an escape. Whether diving into a dark world of crazy criminals and psychopathic detectives or a comforting family household where every sentence is a joke, television is not like “real life”—you could even say it’s better. Watching TV allows us to jump in and vicariously experience the tensions and joys of life, all in neat half-hour or hour-long chunks.

My favorite show currently running is the BBC’s “Sherlock.” I read the short stories as a child, and I appreciate the way they have been adapted to modern culture. What really sets this series apart is the intelligence put into each episode, which makes every other “cop show” look stupid.

Assignment 5 - Angela Tseng

If we were being technically with whether or not I watch TV, the answer would be no, rarely do I ever really watch anything on TV. However, I do watch a few shows as they come out onto the internet a few days after they air. Some shows I currently watch or watched are Sherlock (the good one), Awkward, Legend of Korra and, as of a few days ago, Community. The kinds of shows that I like to watch are usually the ones that I find funny and have a good plot line to them as well. Although I think the most important element to the shows that I watch is that they have to have characters that I love. If a TV show doesn't have good characters in it, or I just really don't like the characters I don't have much motivation o keep watching. Another show that I love to watch is one that my parents watch every Saturday and Sunday when it comes out, which is a kind of Chinese dating show where there's a panel of 24 girls and males go on the show and the girls all decide whether or not they'd go on a date with him, in the end if one or more of them does, he gets to choose one to walk away with. While I don't really like watching shows like the Bachelor or Bachelorette, for some reason this show just appeals to me even though it's a bit like 5 mini seasons of a reverse Bachorette in every episode.