Sunday, September 15, 2013

Tienenman Square Protester-Ethan Petraitis

We have probably all seen this photo, the 'unknown protestor' who stood in front of a row of tanks, stopping them in their tracks, but not a lot of people know why this photo is so moving and so important. There's a lot of stuff that was happening, but basically there was huge fight between the Chinese army and an extremely large group of mostly unarmed students and civilians. later thousands of people died, and it was a complete massacre. The next day, a large group of tanks lined up to storm Beijing, but a protestor stood in front lf the line and the tanks all eventually stop and turn off their engines. The man then climbed on top of the tank and told them not to invade the city any longer. The significance of this is that even though thousands of people died protesting, one (until then) insignificant man could be brave enough to stand in front of an army of tanks and stop them.

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