Sunday, September 1, 2013

My Take on Technology

What would I do without my phone? The answer is simple: other things.

Sure, like all other teenagers I find my phone convenient for keeping in touch with friends, taking pictures, and researching information either for homework or just out of curiosity, but I could survive without it. Like continuing to eat even when you’re not hungry, I get on social networks like Twitter and Instagram daily simply because I can and they’re there.

Scrolling through social media is a great way to waste time but more often than I should, I find myself wasting too much time when I could be doing more productive things. This world is full of places to explore, foods to try, activities to do, and people to become acquainted with, so why do we spend so much time on our phones looking at pictures of so-and-so laying on the floor saying they’re bored or reading about what so-and-so ate that day? We could be experiencing new things and making memories to last us a lifetime but instead we choose to sit at home and share our opinions on school and Pumpkin Spice Lattes from Starbucks via social media.

Technology has its pros but can quickly become negative if you allow it to control your life.

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