Sunday, September 8, 2013

Good vs. Evil: Grace Goulson

So reading my classmates' posts, I'm thinking to myself Wow, these all sound the same. They all say something like "I don't believe there is absolute good and evil in the world; everyone falls into the grey area because we all display qualities of both good and evil." And that's not to criticize anyone for their unoriginality, but it did bring to my attention the fact that many people in the world (not to make a generalization based on ten people's opinions) believe there are elements of good and evil in all of us. And I tend to agree, although I do believe that some of us have more good than others and vice versa. It's also worth it to point out that "good" and "evil" are subjective terms and therefore mean something different to each individual. Thus, we can not even to begin to discern what is wholly good or evil. "Bad" people do "good" things, and "good" people do "bad" things. Somebody I know (whose name and relation to me shall remain hidden from you) has been in and out of prison for the past five or six years. This guy is such a good person (in my mind) and is so very intelligent. He just has done some "bad" stuff in the past. This is just one of countless examples of good and evil existing in the behaviors of the same person. I do bad stuff all the time, everyone does bad stuff all the time. But most of us don't consider ourselves bad people. I think every single human realizes that we (as humans) naturally are all full of mistakes and imperfections, but we all have good within us as well. 

And as I read the prompt I was thinking that there was a clear answer as to whether absolute good and evil exist: of course not. Our world full of human emotion and all of the unpredictable happenings of life is so incredibly complicated. It is a world in which there is a constant battle between good and evil and a constant battle between what each of us individually thinks is good and evil (think politics). But then all this chaos and conflict and complication comes together to create this awesome, mostly good, world we live in. 

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