Sunday, September 29, 2013

Three prompts: Grace Goulson

1.  What is a job environment that you would NOT enjoy working in? Don't just say garbage collector or something dumb like that.

2. What is the most important political topic being brought up now (or in the last few years)?

3. What is the best thing to do in your free time besides watching TV?

3. Honestly the best thing to do is absolutely nothing. People are always wanting to do something and they always have to be occupied with their phone or a game or a book. I mean, don't get me wrong- phones, games, and books are all really great and I love them, but sometimes its nice to just go sit outside and observe. It gives you time to think instead of having someone or something else doing the thinking for you. Or better yet, don't even think. Literally sit there and do nothing except for looking, hearing, touching, breathing, and existing. You should try it once; it's pretty great.

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