Saturday, September 21, 2013

TV: Grace Goulson

I love TV. It's great. 

And I'm not going to sit here and pretend that I'm one of those people who says that TV is bad for you and it turns your brain to mush. I'm also not going to pretend that I'm above watching TV, because I'm not. For me, it's an escape from the real world and a source of entertainment and exposure. I love watching comedies and sports; my favorite shows are Psych, Friends, The Office, and Arrested Development. I also like watching baseball, football, and basketball, both on the collegiate and professional levels. 

As my grandmother always says, everything in moderation. This applies to everything in life, including TV. So as long as I don't let it take over my life (which I don't think it has so far) I'll keep watching it and not feel too guilty about it. 

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