Sunday, September 8, 2013

Good vs. Evil

I think that I do believe in absolute good and evil, in a sense. Absolute good and evil is a more intense behavior structure of how we act with each other. If someone is selfish, and only satisfies their own needs and desires, that person only loves their self, that person is considered evil when in more intense situations, like war. If someone is selfless, and they recognize that helping others is essential for life, that person loves others besides their self, this person is good. In the end, it is the most important behavior of us all, loving each other, that defines good. I believe it is absolute in that we are able to choose whether to love or not to love. There are many variable situations, but the base is that love is what defines an act as being good, and the lack of love is therefore evil. We have the choice in how we act to love, or whether to love at all. This is the absolute of good and evil. If there was no choice in whether we could love, then good and evil would be variable, for choices on acting what to do would be variable, and only permitting to the situation. It is absolute in that we have a choice in whether to directly or indirectly be/do good or evil.

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