Sunday, September 8, 2013

Good and Evil- Ethan Petraitis

People fight because they think they are right. Most any time there is a difference of opinions, there is an accompanying argument to prove that your side is the one that is correct, but, both parties have reasons to believe they are correct. If both parties have sound logic behind their argument this leads to 'good' and 'evil' being more of an opinion and not really provable. I'm sure Hitler thought of himself as the good guy and that the people that opposed him were the evil ones (I hope we can all agree that he was the evil, though)  This creates two completely polarized views of what is good and what is evil which makes absolute good and evil not really possible. Everyone has different motives for doing what they do and they usually view the opposing side as evil even if their motivations are legitimate. Despite all of this, I still think those two labels are necessary since some ‘evil’ people infringe on others rights like Scar from The Lion King killing Simbas father just for power, or doing other ‘immoral’ things.

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