Sunday, September 29, 2013

Create Your Own Adventure: Ethan Petraitis

1. What is the best kind of music? Not just your favorite, but the best for any occasion, the one-size-fits-all of music. Defend your answer.

2. What is the one thing you have to be the best at, or the thing you have to have the best of? Are you determined to have the newest phone, the fastest lap time, the coolest watch? Explain.

3. Here's the scenario: You’re in a truck carrying nuclear waste and your friend, the driver, tells you that the brake cable snapped. He also just informed you that he has narcolepsy. Your job is to keep him awake long enough to steer you to safety by discussing the scariest thing you can possibly imagine.

Alright, well I have to pick number 3 because I spent way too much time writing it and already have an answer. Flying spiders. Flying spiders are just perfect nightmare fuel, they're already incredibly scary, so adding 3-dimensional movement to what is already a compact ball of horror is just too much to handle, and I'm not talking about the 'itsy-bitsy-spider' here, no way, I'm talking about one of those crazy Giant Huntsman spiders, with a legspan of 12 inches, add giant dragonfly wings to that and you’ve got yourself a terror-machine. Spiders that could fly out of nowhere, latch around your entire head, and then eat you, not to mention the fact that they only have like 500,000 babies at a time. The entire human population would be gone in a month. Frightning.

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